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Trainings and Professional Development

Friday, February 21, 2025 

"Why Should I Care About the CAMFT Code of Ethics?"
Presenter: Mike Griffin, JD, CAMFT Staff Attorney
9:00 am - 12:00 pm



Webinar Description

This three-hour workshop provides a broad overview of the ethical standards found in Part I of the CAMFT Code of Ethics and the procedures expressed in Part II of the Code which govern the actions taken when an ethics complaint is filed.

The workshop will discuss examples of alleged ethical violations that are reported to the Ethics Committee and offer suggestions to therapists regarding ethical practice.


Attendees at this workshop may earn a total of three hours of continuing education (CEU) credit, as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences for licensed marriage and family therapists, licensed clinical social workers, and licensed professional clinical counselors.


Topics to be discussed

  • What is the purpose of the Code of Ethics?

  • What topics are addressed in the Code of Ethics?

  • What is the role of the CAMFT Ethics Committee?

  • What does it mean to say that something is “unethical?”

  • Who is obligated to follow the Code of Ethics?

  • What should I do if someone files an ethical complaint against me?

  • When should I consult the Code of Ethics for guidance?

  • How can therapists avoid ethical complaints?


Discount for Chapter Members

Registration Fees:
Chapter Member $60 | CAMFT Member $65 | Non-Member $85

March 22, 2025

Online 10am - 12pm

Law and Ethics Road to Licensure (sponsored by CAMFT)

​Live Webinar presented by: Kristin Roscoe, JD, CAMFT Staff Attorney (3 CE Hours)




Description: This three-hour presentation will provide an overview of the laws and regulations applicable to pre-licensees as they work toward California licensure in marriage and family therapy. Topics to be discussed include the marriage and family therapy licensing process, including the new supervision rules for non-exempt settings, as well as supervised experience requirements for applicants, supervisor qualifications, licensing examinations, and common employment issues pre-licensees may encounter with their supervisors.


  • Identify the requirements for counting hours toward licensure as an MFT

  • State the number of hours and the number of weeks of supervised experience pre-licensees are required to meet

  • Identify the requirements under the “new” 90-day rule to count post-degree hours

  • Identify appropriate work settings and common supervision and labor issues that may arise in the employment of pre-licensees

March 22, 2025   10am - 12pm online

Integrating explicit and implicit contemplative practices into the clinical dyad

Fiona Brandon, MA, MFT, MPS.  (2 CE Hours)


Fiona Brandon is the Director of the Nalanda Institute’s Compassion Based Resilience Training (CBRT) and core faculty of the Embodied Psychotherapy Program. As a licensed psychotherapist and clinical consultant, she integrates Buddhist psychology, depth psychology, expressive arts therapy, dream imagery, and sensorimotor psychotherapy in her work with adults and couples. 


This 2-hour workshop will offer participants practical tools and inspiring ideas for integrating mindfulness and compassion practices into their work with clients. The practices can help clients regulate their nervous system while gaining new insights into their healing process. During the training participants will be guided in the practice of mindful sensitivity and tonglen. After each practice a case study will be presented. The case studies will illustrate practical ways for integrating the practices into clinical work in explicit and implicit ways.

The experiential training will allow participants to learn how to:

  1. Introduce contemplative practices into the clinical dyad

  2. Use meditation with clients who do not meditate

  3. Use meditation with clients who have familiarity with contemplative practices

  4. Incorporate mindfulness and compassion practices into the healing process

The training is helpful for new and seasoned clinicians. You do not need to have a background in meditation to benefit.


$25 members / $35 non members

$10 for CE hours​​


April 11, 2025

Law and Ethics Road to Licensure (sponsored by CAMFT)

​Live Webinar presented by: Kristin Roscoe, JD, CAMFT Staff Attorney (3 CE Hours)




Description: This three-hour presentation will provide an overview of the laws and regulations applicable to pre-licensees as they work toward California licensure in marriage and family therapy. Topics to be discussed include the marriage and family therapy licensing process, including the new supervision rules for non-exempt settings, as well as supervised experience requirements for applicants, supervisor qualifications, licensing examinations, and common employment issues pre-licensees may encounter with their supervisors.


  • Identify the requirements for counting hours toward licensure as an MFT

  • State the number of hours and the number of weeks of supervised experience pre-licensees are required to meet

  • Identify the requirements under the “new” 90-day rule to count post-degree hours

  • Identify appropriate work settings and common supervision and labor issues that may arise in the employment of pre-licensees

April 26, 2025 9:30-12:30 in person

San Francisco, CA

ReParentive® Therapy (3 CE hours)

Pamela Rosin, MFT



Pamela Rosin, MFT is the founder of ReParentive® Therapy. A certified Hakomi Therapist, she utilizes experientially based modalities and a synergy of Buddhist and somatic psychologies to cultivate healing. Pamela draws from a multitude of experience in various educational and therapeutic arenas. She embodies the precepts of ReParentive Therapy; bringing relational, loving presence to support learning. Pamela’s creativity, ability to personalize the material, and emphasis on nervous system regulation, supports students’ access and integration.


ReParentive® Therapy is a relational, somatic intergenerational trauma healing model for clients with developmental trauma. Leveraging somatic intervention while addressing attachment wounds, ReParentive® Therapy is an intergenerational trauma healing model for clients who grew up in invalidating environments. This includes people with a parent who was not consistently available for multiple possible reasons, and especially because of a cluster B personality disorder such as Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Learn about the unique developmental wounding and core beliefs that often result from this history and how to work to transform them.

$35 members / $45 non members

$10 for CE hours

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